EUVE CD CONTENTS ---------------- This file describes the contents of directories on this EUVE CD-ROM set (Volume 2, Number 2). All documents are in ASCII text or PostScript format; all images and spectra are in FITS, GIF and/or Postscript format. This set of three CD-ROMs contains nine Guest Observer pointed spectrometer observation data sets. These observations have been arranged thematically on the three discs: three white dwarfs on disc A, three late-type stars on disc B and three assorted objects on disc C (see the EGO/DATA directory below for a detailed listing of these observations). Also included are a variety of images, videos and assorted mission-related documentation. The following is a detailed listing of the contents of this CD-ROM set: DOCS Contains various EUVE mission-related documents. ARCH_ACC Information on accessing the EUVE Science Archive. ARCH_INV The inventory of publicly available EUVE archival material. EGO_CY1 Information on Cycle 1 of the EUVE Guest Observer program. PUBLICAT Recent EUVE publications. JBIS The special EUVE edition of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS). NEWSLETT Information on, and past issues of, the EUVE Electronic Newsletter. ABSTRACT Abstracts of recently published EUVE papers. EGO Contains data sets, software, reference data, and information from the EUVE Guest Observer (EGO) program. DATA The observation data sets, comprised of the following: 1-d nominally reduced spectrum and 2-D detector and corrected image for each of the three spectrometers, Space Telescope (ST) binary tables of decommutated telemetry for the observation, and ST tables containing the "good times" for each spectrometer. All of the above have been converted to FITS format. The actual included observation targets, UT start dates (mm/dd/yy format) and approximate exposure times in kiloseconds (exposure times vary by spectrometer channel) are the following: Disc A contains three white dwarfs: HZ43 (930219, 40), WD1254+223 (930211, 55) and WD2309+105 (920928, 55); Disc B contains three late-type stars: AD Leo (930303, 90), alpha Cen A (930531, 55) and sigma Gem (930207, 55); Disc C contains three assorted objects: the cataclysmic variable AN UMa (930301, 45), the early-type star epsilon CMa (930118, 65) and the planet Jupiter (930401, 65). In addition to the nominal EGO processing performed on these data sets, the Archive group has carefully reprocessed the data in order to improve the extracted spectral results. DOCS General EGO documentation including the EUVE Guest Observer User's Guide and information on EGO FITS files. REFERNCE The most recent version (v1.8.1) of the reference data set for the EUVE spectrometers. The reference data set consists of calibration information and descriptions of detector characteristics. These data are intended for use with the IRAF/EUV layered package. SOFTWARE The most recent version (v1.4) of the IRAF/EUV layered package software and installation guide. This package requires IRAF v2.10.2 (or later) and the TABLES v1.3 (or later) IRAF layered package. IMAGES Contains GIF- and PostScript-format images from various stages of the EUVE mission. Some popular previewing packages for GIF files are "xv" under UNIX, "Giffer" under MacOS and "ColorView" under DOS; "ghostscript" works well for PostScript files under UNIX, MacOS and DOS. OPS Operations-related images. SCIENCE Science-related images. MOVIES Contains EUVE-related videos, simulations and animations in MPEG format. Some popular viewing packages for MPEG-format files are "mpeg_play" under UNIX and DOS and "Sparkle" under MacOS. The user should note that MPEG-format files require a large amount of processing; the user should use a 486 or 68040 machine with at least 8 MB of RAM for optimal results (using 8-bit instead of 24-bit color will also improve the performance). SPECTRA Contains "browse" images (GIF/PS) of publicly available EUVE 1-d spectral data sets. The purpose of these "browse" images is to provide users with "quick-look" images of these EUVE data products. Because the actual FITS-format files are reprocessed periodically as better software and calibration data become available, they were not included in this CD-ROM set. The most recent versions of these FITS files may always be obtained electronically via the CEA World Wide Web Mosaic server (see the DOCS directory for more information on how to obtain EUVE archival data products).